Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions of website use https://almazbijouterie.com/

Accesul și utilizarea website-ului https://almazbijouterie.com/ (“Site-ul”) sunt supuse condițiilor prevăzute în acest document. Vă rugăm să nu utilizați acest Site decât dacă sunteți de acord cu aceste condiții.

Site-ul https://almazbijouterie.com/ este deținut de ALMAZ VENTURES & CONSULTING SRL, cu sediul social în Onești, Jud. Bacău, Str. Pinului, Nr. 2, Bl 1, Sc. B, Ap. 6, înregistrată la Registrul Comerțului sub numărul J4/1089/2023, CUI RO48481006 (denumit în continuare “noi” sau “Almaz Bijouterie”).

We reserve the right at any time, without prior notice, to interrupt the operation of this Site or to make any modifications we consider necessary, including modifying or supplementing, in whole or in part, these Terms and Conditions.

Therefore, we kindly ask that each time you visit this Site, you review these Terms and Conditions and take note of any changes or additions that may have been made since your last visit.

Prezenții Termeni și Condiții reglementează relația dintre ALMAZ BIJOUTERIE și Dvs. Aceștia nu creează niciun fel de drepturi pentru terți beneficiari.

If you do not comply with these Terms and Conditions and we do not take immediate action, it does not mean that we waive the rights we have (for example, the right to take action in the future).

If certain terms and conditions prove to be unenforceable or invalid, this will not affect the remaining Terms and Conditions.

This Site provides information regarding the services offered by Almaz Bijouterie related to the creation and sale of jewelry and accessories made of silver, gold, diamonds, and gemstones.

These Terms and Conditions do not govern the contractual relationships between you and Almaz Bijouterie regarding the creation and purchase of custom jewelry, for which separate contracts will apply, concluded between you and Almaz Bijouterie as a result of your contact with a member of the Almaz Bijouterie staff.

  1. Proprietatea Site-ului: Acest site web este deținut și operat de ALMAZ VENTURES & CONSULTING SRL
  2. Content and Information on the Site: All information, content, and materials on this site are protected by copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property laws.
  3. Confidentiality and Data Collection: Please refer to our privacy policy to understand how we collect, use, and protect personal data provided by users.
  4. Users' and Visitors' Responsibility: The use of this site implies acceptance and compliance with our terms and conditions, as well as the established rules of use.
  5. Limitation of Liability: We do not assume responsibility for direct or indirect damages caused by the use of the information or content available on this site.
  6. Changes to the Terms and Conditions: We reserve the right to update or modify the terms and conditions without prior notice. Any changes will be displayed on this site.

For the creation of personalized products not listed in the general product categories, your interaction with us will be through filling out the forms on the Site for creating a unique piece of jewelry, following which the Almaz Bijouterie staff will contact you regarding costs, technical aspects, production time, as well as other details related to the requested services for creating the customized piece.

We've taken great care to ensure that the elements on our website are presented as accurately as possible. However, the physical representation of colors will depend on your own personal monitor/device, and therefore, we cannot guarantee that the actual item will have the exact color as displayed on the website. Before placing an order, please read these Terms.


Accesul pentru formularea unei comenzi este deschis oricărei persoane în mod gratuit pentru toate categoriile de produse și servicii . Comenzile se pot realiza online, prin intermediul site-ului, prin email la adresa contact@almazbijouterie.com. Pentru motive justificate, Almaz Bijouterie își rezervă dreptul de a restricționa accesul oricărei persoane în vederea unei comenzi și/sau la folosirea unora dintre modalitățile de plată acceptate. Produsele sunt vândute și livrate împreună cu factura și vor fi împachetate în ambalaj de tip “cadou”.

The method of payment for the products and/or services is online payment with a bank card. In the case of online payments, Almaz Bijouterie is not/cannot be held responsible for any additional costs incurred by you, including but not limited to currency conversion fees applied by your card issuer bank if its currency differs from RON. Responsibility for these payments and fees lies solely with you. Almaz Bijouterie reserves the right to cancel any order placed, following prior notification to you, without any additional obligation, and without either party being able to claim damages or delivery of the product, in the event that:

  • Online payment transaction is refused by your card issuer bank;
  • Online payment is invalidated by the payment processor approved by Almaz Bijouterie;
  • The data provided by you are incomplete and/or incorrect;
  • In any other thoroughly justified cases, for example when a wrong price is displayed due to an error.

Delivery of the order via courier is available throughout the entire territory of Romania. Almaz Bijouterie will ensure proper packaging of the order and the transmission of accompanying documents to you. Regarding delivery outside Romania, please contact us at the email address contact@almazbijouterie.com.

Bijuteriile Almaz Bijouterie achiziționate online vor fi livrate, în funcție de preferința aleasă la momentul completării formularului de comandă, prin intermediul Cargus, Sameday sau a altor companii de curierat, în termen de 10 zile lucrătoare de la momentul confirmării comenzii, cu excepția sărbătorilor legale. În cazul unor situații excepționale, cum ar fi dar nelimitându-ne la condiții meteo extreme sau perioade aglomerate ale agentului livrator sau orice alte situații speciale sau de forță majoră, livrarea comenzii poate întârzia fără culpă Almaz Bijouterie și fără ca Almaz Bijouterie să datoreze daune în acest sens. Costul livrării este indicat în procesul de plasare a comenzii.

Returns of Almaz Bijouterie products can be made via courier. In the case of return via courier, the transportation cost will be borne by you, in accordance with the legal provisions in this regard. Returns of Almaz Bijouterie jewelry can be made within a maximum period of 15 calendar days from the date of purchase and only accompanied by the following documents: fiscal receipt or invoice and packaging. The product cannot be returned if it shows signs of wear, has missing elements, or, if applicable, promotional items such as gift or discount products applicable to the order are not returned together. Personalized Almaz Bijouterie products cannot be returned, modified, or exchanged, and these must be paid for in advance. For more details regarding personalized products, please contact us at the email address. contact@almazbijouterie.com. În cazul produselor achiziționate online, valoarea produsului returnat va fi transferată în contul Cumpărătorului, după primirea și după evaluarea corespunzătoare a produsului returnat.

If you wish to exchange the purchased Almaz Bijouterie product, the exchange can be made online. An purchased product can only be exchanged for another product of the same value or a higher value.

  • undertake actions that may lead to the encouragement, determination, assistance, or conduct of any activity that is criminal, fraudulent, or prohibited by applicable law;
  • use this Site for any purpose other than personal use;
  • use the content of the Site for any purpose other than obtaining information about us, consulting the training course offerings, communicating with us, as well as any other purpose that implicitly results from the content of the Site;
  • advertise or promote your own or third-party products or services, including by distributing unsolicited commercial communications;
  • transfer files containing computer viruses, computer trojans, and/or engage in any other activity harmful to this Site, the company that owns it, and/or its providers (e.g., hosting service providers);
  • access or attempt to gain unauthorized access to any user accounts related or associated with this Site or penetrate or attempt to penetrate the security measures of this Site;
  • or interfere in any way with the access or use of the Site by other individuals.
  • All articles, details, documents, and/or illustrations published on this Site are the exclusive property of Almaz Bijouterie and/or its partners, and any use of them is subject to the following conditions:
  • in cases where, according to the law, our agreement is not necessary, the provisions of Article 35 of Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and any other relevant legal provisions must be complied with.
  • its use shall be for purely personal (domestic) purposes permitted by law, commercial exploitation of any kind being prohibited except where prior authorization has been granted by Almaz Bijouterie.
  • The articles, details, documents, illustrations, trademarks, and/or any other content elements of the Site shall not be modified in any way.
  • and its use shall occur without removing from context any aspects found on this Site (for example, illustrations obtained from this Site shall only be used together with accompanying text, etc.).

"All trademarks on this Site are the property of Almaz Bijouterie and/or its partners, unless otherwise stated or perceived as the rights of third parties. Any unauthorized use, including, but not limited to, copying, reproduction, use, transmission, sale, licensing, or distribution, without the prior written consent of Almaz Bijouterie, of the content of this Site, its trademarks, or the programming codes of the elements of this Site, for purposes other than personal use, is expressly prohibited and may constitute a violation of copyright, trademark law, or other industrial property rights."

We strive to continuously update the information available on the Site, but we do not assume an obligation in this regard. The information on this website is intended solely to present the services of Almaz Bijouterie, as well as other related aspects. Almaz Bijouterie makes no representation, gives no warranty, and assumes no responsibility, expressly or impliedly, for the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of the information on this Site. Therefore, we recommend that you verify any information obtained from this Site before using it in any form. Almaz Bijouterie cannot be held responsible for damages or losses resulting from accessing or inability to access, or from the use or inability to use this Site, or from any person relying on or using the information available on this Site in any form. Additionally, nothing in the content of this Site shall constitute a firm offer to contract and shall not engage the liability of Almaz Bijouterie without subsequent express agreements from us.

This Site may contain links / references to third-party websites. By providing such links, Almaz Bijouterie does not guarantee their content and does not approve their content in any form. Additionally, Almaz Bijouterie assumes no responsibility for the availability or content of these websites or any liability for damages or injuries resulting from the use of this content, in any form. Almaz Bijouterie does not provide any warranty that external internet pages referred to by this Site will always contain information of sufficient quality. Users access such sites at their own risk.

The user of this website is fully responsible for the content and accuracy of the details submitted to Almaz Bijouterie through the dedicated form required to make an appointment at the Almaz Bijouterie showroom, or through any other contact methods, as well as for any infringement of third-party rights that may be involved in such details. All information provided by users is and will remain confidential. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy regarding the processing of personal data. The website uses cookies; our Cookie Policy, which respects confidentiality, is available for consultation.  

"For questions, complaints, or comments related to this Site, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following address: contact@almazbijouterie.com.


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